Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Caine's Arcade

Incredibly moved and inspired by Caine - what a creative and talented young boy with an awesome imagination. I have shared this you tube clip with friends who have been inspired to encourage creativity in their children... As a early years educator I am passionate about continuing to support creativity and imagination in our NZ kids and love to see examples of this in action. GO Caine! Check out the website here too.

Saturday, June 16, 2012


As part of my planning for the CORE breakfasts I am presenting at, I have been having a 'play' with a variety of different platforms for uploading 'stuff' to ePortfolios/blogs.  I have used animoto before but only ever had 30 seconds to play with. I have now sorted out an educator's account which provides more options and more time.  Although I like the easiness of Animoto, I would like to be able to add more text - text to each photo is a great way of telling a digital story.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

'Scrapstore Playpods' - Imaginative Play in Action

Most impressed with this initiative in the UK.

 'The Scrapstore PlayPod® is a holistic process that works with the entire school community to change both the human and physical play environment transforming play at lunchtimes.'

It is awesome to see students collaborating, problem solving, creating and using their imaginations in their play. Students are totally engaged in their play at lunchtimes and teachers are noticing the benefits. It is fantastic to see, in this video clip, the school embracing learning through play. Our continuing challenge is to have this approach throughout the curriculum.   Check out the website here.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

'The Element' - Sir Ken Robinson

I am currently reading this book and was excited to find this link on twitter sharing both a video and PDF summary(below) of the book. Watching the video summary has inspired me to delve further into the book! A great read for continual reflection and has already provided me with lots of talking points in discussions with teachers, parents and whānau.